Just because you can do your own bookkeeping & taxes, doesn’t mean that you should.
Hey cash flow queen, I see you!
Hustling at the last minute, trying to pull 12 months worth of bookkeeping together, and working hard to keep Uncle Sam off your back.
Wasting your whole Saturday trying to find receipts and records only to remember that you were paying business expenses out of your personal checking account at one point.
Banging your head against the wall because you promised yourself you would make keeping your business finances organized a priority this year yet its November and you still haven’t done it yet.
Clean Books + Tax Strategy + Tax Prep
you could get your business finances all ready to go and prepared for taxes
you knew exactly how much your tax bill was going to be and had strategies in place so you could ultimately be in control of it
your taxes were going to be prepared all while maximizing your deductions for the most tax savings
you didn't have to do ANY of it!!!
Imagine if:
Its time to fire yourself. Just because you can do it, doesn’t mean you should.
You're trying to do everything you can to wear all the hats in your business because you know you can figure out how to do it, but you don’t have the time
You know tax time is coming and you don’t want to be scrambling to get things together at the last minute, again.
With Chauvon's help, with her help, I’ve been able to step away from the financial tasks that are not my strength and focus on the things that are! I am not an accountant - nor do I want to be. She completely overhauled my business’s financial organization and got everything in order.
-Jessica G.
Fresh Slate is made up of 3 parts to ....
Year End Review
P & what? Income who? so
3-5 Tax Planning Strategies
so you're in control of your tax bill and 3-5 steps ahead of Uncle Sam
Tax Preparation
so you can finally stop wasting hours wading through through your bank statements
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hey girl, hey
I help creatives, coaches & consultants get their biz money organized, stop wasting money on taxes they don’t owe and scale to consistent five figure months with tax & accounting strategies so you can focus on selling out your masterminds, killing your launches and booking out your calendar.
I help women entrepreneurs, just like you, who are passionate about what they do, but are unprepared when it comes to their business finances.
My life's work is to help women normalize having wealth and showing them how to keep it.